1) Competition pouch: medium thickness, fawn color, Weight 1.3 gr
This pouch is very flexible, very pleasant to hold, ideal for training and competition, sized for 8mm, 9mm or 10mm balls.
2) competition pouch: thin thickness, brown color, weight 1.0 gr
This pouch is very flexible, very pleasant to hold, its fluffy interior allows a tolerance to the unbalanced release. Ideal for competition. Sized for 8 mm, 9 mm and 10 mm balls
3) 8mm hunting pouch: weight 2,7gr
This pouch is dedicated to hunting and powerful shots. It can be assembled with all the elastic bands, including the most powerful, and remains wear-free. This pouch is ideal for 8mm balls (8mm balls well calibrated) but accepts larger diameters.
4) 10mm hunting pouch: weight 2.4gr
This pouch is dedicated to hunting and powerful shots. It can be assembled with all the elastic bands, including the most powerful, and remains wear-free. This pouch is ideal for 10mm balls (10mm balls well calibrated), but accepts larger diameters.
5) Multipurpose pouch ball + arrow for Pocket68, weight 1.2gr
This pocket is ideal for pulling 6mm balls, can pull 8mm balls too. It was developed by Yshoot to shoot arrows also very effectively. In this case it is necessary to equip the pocket68 with the boom support.
6) Thin pouch, smooth leather for 6mm beads with double elastic. It is designed to properly position the fingers, and allow precise release. weight 1.4gr
7) Smooth fine pouch for 6mm beads, single or double elastic. Its design is simple and effective, weight 1.2gr
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